For presentation creation, most people use Microsoft Powerpoint. Even though this makes it easy to create presentations, there is not as much customization compared to using Github. Github also makes it easy to share the presentation on every screen by using Rawgit. The type of slide can also be instantly changed without the format being messed up.

Using Github to create presentation has some flaws as well. To change the color of the text, you have to access the CSS file and manually enter the hex code for the color. That makes it complicated to add a new color to the presentation. It is also harder to change the order of slide because instead of dragging and dropping a slide, you have to copy and paste the entire code for the slide.

My view on using this type of medium to create a presentation is that it is useful when there is enough time to customize it. If you only have a few days to make a presentation, you should probably use a site such as Prezi.

GitHub Office flickr photo by DASPRiD shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license