Writing articles is an art form. Using Github to write and share written work is a great idea. It allows for easy access for an editor. They can quickly view your work and use the issue tracker. It is also useful for being able to publish work that you want to in the future. It allows for scheduled publishing.
This type of publication is not a perfect system. With the skills used in the class, there isn’t as much customization when it comes to fonts available. That would take a lot of work. There is also the fact that everyone can see your work even if you don’t want them to. It even takes longer to get articles written when you have to manually type in bold characters as well as type out hyperlinks.
In general, I believe that using Github to public articles is useful for less than eighteen hundred words but any more than that and it becomes a hassle to edit and format correctly.
GitHub Office flickr photo by DASPRiD shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license